Prayers (in English)

Prayer for the communion of all vocations
so that every vocation of complete donation to God may live in communion [transl. Chua]

With a serene heart we praise You, Lord:
Father, Creator of all things;
Son, Redeemer of mankind;
Sanctifying Spirit and perfect Counselor of every creature.

[1]We thank You for the merciful love that You have for each person,
and because You dwell amongst us.

[2]Jesus, immaculate Lamb,
you have called us by name to Your Kingdom of salvation
and in so doing you have allowed us to come to the table of your Word and Body.

[3]Help us, [consecrated people] to receive Your Blood,
that we may be purified of every imperfection
and make Your infinite goodness manifest to all creatures.

[4]Help us to imitate You:
Your virginity of Heart, which is a radiant mirror of divine light;
Your poverty, which is a constant offering of charity;
Your obedience, which is an absolute allegiance to the Father’s will.

[5]In offering our persons to You,
may we be consumed in prayerful, constant assent to the transcendent realities,
and share in the plight of every poor, lost, misunderstood, sick person.

[6]May our communion with each person be sincere, loyal, and fraternal,
in accordance with the love living in You, Holy Trinity.

Protect us as we journey and sustain us in every trouble:
be You our Shepherd and our Master,
that we may follow You and imitate You in every situation.

May prayer and charity be the contribution of communion
among all the vocations that you have inspired,
so that by carrying out your Will in charity,
we [consecrated people] may bring splendour to Your Church,
and kneel and adore full of joy to praise Your glorious majesty.  Amen.

[1] First of 3 fundamental call: that of the universal call to salvation.

[2] Second fundamental call: the general call to holiness in the Church.

[3] Third fundamental call: to the special donation to God.

[4] The implications of the call to a special donation to God.

[5] Asking joyfully the grace of perseverance.

[6] Asking joyfully the grace of communion amongst all vocations.



[Other translation]

Prayer for living in communion the vocation of complete donation to God [other transl.]

With peaceful soul we  praise You, Lord, Father Creator of the world, Son, Reedeemer of mankind, hollowing Spirit and perfect Advisor of every creature.

We thank You because You  remain amongst us, and for the merciful love that You have for each person.

Jesus, immaculate Lamb, Your calling us by name to Your Kingdom of salvation has allowed us to place ourselves around the table of your Word and Body

Help us, consecrated people, to receive Your Blood so that wa are purified of every imperfection and make manifest to all creatures Your infinite dooness.

Help us to imitate the virginity of Your Heart, radiant mirror of divine light, poverty lived in persevering contribution of charity, and obedience as absolute allegiance to the will of the Father.

May our person offered to You, be consumed in praying and constant assent to the transcendent realities, and in sharing the needs of every poor, lost, misunderstood, sick person.

May the sharing with each man be sincere, true, brotherly, in accordance with the love living in You, Holy Trinity.

Protect our way and sustain us in every trouble: be You our Shepherd and our Master, and help us to follow You and imitate You in every occasion.

Prayer and charity be the first contribution of communion among all the vocation inspired by You, so that we all consecrated people, by doing Your Will, can make Your Church bringt, and Kneel, full of yoy, to praise Your glorious majesty.  Amen


“I abandon myself to you”.
Prayer to discover and to embrace one’s vocation [transl. Chua]

let me come to know the beauty of your call
and the gift of your constant presence.

Help me to understand your design on me
and to listen to you and to imitate you with childlike docility.

Make me understand where I am at
along the journey of the Christian life:
the defects that need to be overcome
and the virtues to strive for.

I abandon myself to you,
so you may help me to do always
your most sweet will.

I ask you this with a generous, firm and renewed heart,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.


The Agape Prayer
to live every encounter in full communion [transl. Chua]

Holy Spirit,
may this encounter be a fraternal agape
gladdened by your presence.

Place in our hearts docility
and grant that your Wisdom,
which we invoke and welcome,
inspire our fraternal relationships.

Help us to be attentive and understanding,
so that dialogue may be serene
and may edify our communion.

Make our active participation respectful and simple,
as it ought to be for sons and daughters who by gift
belong to the great family of God.

Make us understand that you alone are our Teacher,
and so, place in our hearts the desire to listen to you,
now and always,
with a humble spirit. Amen.